
CSE Showdown - The great tech debate

CSE | December 20 - 12:00 PM

Debating on trending topics in computer science and engineering.

Venue : MVJCE
1st Prize : 4000
2nd Prize : 2000
Register 200

Event Rules

1. Eligibility: Open to all students. 2. Participation: Participants must compete in a team of 2. 3. Topics: Current trends in CSE like cybersecurity, machine learning, etc.

Judging Criteria

The participants are judged based on: 1.Clarity. 2.Relevance. 3.Quality of evidence. 4.Strength of arguments. 5.Effectiveness of rebuttals.

Event Coordinators

Devdan Cornellius : 9731959458 | Arif Ali : 9113272116
| Vatsal Thappa : 9797510712 | Joshua Royar : 7892256574
| Chinthan M : 7483044835